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  • Yoga Medicine for Shiva Shakti Alignment

    March 04, 2021 2 min read

    According to yogic philosophy, there is both divine masculine and divine feminine energy alive within all of us. It’s said that the balance between these two sides leads to presence and joy. These energies are explained and expressed through the Hindu God Shiva and Goddess Shakti.

    What does Shiva Shakti mean?

    Mermaid Pose | Mukha Yoga

    Shiva is the embodiment of the divine masculine, related to strength, consciousness and awareness. Shakti is the divine feminine, related to sensuality, fluidity and intuition. The left side of our body is said to relate to the feminine, whereas the right side is held by our masculine. Based on our personal lives, careers and daily routines we may find that one side becomes dominant.

    Balancing Masculine Feminine Energy in Your Asana Practice

    The practice of yoga, including pranayama, meditation and physical asana, can be catered to counterbalance the energy that leads your life. For both men and women who find themselves operating from a dominantly masculine energy, practicing yoga from a more fluid and intuitive place can feel liberating. Equally, for yogis who primarily lead with their feminine energy, practicing from a place of strength and structure can be powerful and transformative.

    When we sit still in meditation we sit in our Shiva energy. If you’re looking to tap into this energy, consider exploring seated breathwork and a structured asana practice. For example, the Bikram yoga sequence of 26 fixed poses, or the primary series of Ashtanga. These practices allow you to follow a specific order, leaning into the steadfast nature of masculine energy.

    When we practice with fluidity, flexibility and sensuality we tap into our Shakti energy. To practice from this energy, consider trying an intuitive and spontaneous flow. Begin with a few sun salutations and invite in creative movement, allowing your body to express and move as it desires.

    We all have both Shiva and Shakti energy within. Exploring the balance between the two can lead to true energy transformation.

    Victoria Maybee l Mukha Yoga
    By Victoria Maybee; All Rights Reserved @2021

    Victoria Maybee l Mukha YogaBy Victoria Maybee; All Rights Reserved @2021